Reading groups times from January
Please find attached our reading groups times from January. READING GROUPS: OVERVIEW Note: No prior knowledge or registration required (except, of course, for the Zoom
Please find attached our reading groups times from January. READING GROUPS: OVERVIEW Note: No prior knowledge or registration required (except, of course, for the Zoom
Dear friends and visitors, The Foundation will be closed from December 21 to January 5 2025. There will also be no reading groups during this
Wir sind mit zwei Veranstaltungen an “Zürich liest” dabei! Die Lesungen sind in Deutsch und Englisch, die Platzzahl ist beschränkt! Für die Mittagsveranstaltung am 22. Oktober
Am 1. September 2024 tritt Dr. Martin Mühlheim in den Dienst der Zürcher James Joyce Stiftung. Der Stiftungsrat ist überzeugt, mit ihm den idealen Geschäftsleiter
Dear Friends of the Joyce Foundation, We are happy to invite you to the upcoming Blooomsday! We will be celebrating on 16 June, starting at 5.30 p.m. at Gemeinschaftszentrum
From February our new opening hours will be:
Monday: closed
Tuesday to Friday: 12 to 6 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Sunday: closed
or by arrangement
Augustinergasse 9,
8001 Zurich,
Tel (+41) 44 211 83 01
The Foundation is most grateful for donations to maintain this unique place as an archive, a research centre, and a meeting place for Joyce scholars and afficionados, as well as to help support its various projects.
UBS AG, Postfach, CH 8098 Zürich
Konto-Nr. 230-699055.02W
IBAN: CH58 0023 0230 6990 5502 W