ZÜRICH James Joyce Foundation


Policies regarding copyrighted material from the Joyce Foundation

The Foundation’s manuscripts are open to the Joyce community as well as to the general public. Materials may be studied on the premises.


Reproductions and Permissions

Copyright of papers in the collection may be held by their authors, or the authors’ heirs or assigns. Researchers must obtain the written permission of the holder(s) of copyright and the ZJJF before requesting photocopies and/or publishing quotations from materials in the collection. Once permission is obtained, most papers may be copied in accordance with the library’s usual procedures unless otherwise specified.

  • Photocopies for research purposes will be made for a fee on watermarked paper if ZJJF staff decides that this will not harm the material.
  • Photocopies are made solely for the convenience of the researcher; they cannot be reproduced or transferred to any other person or institution without the prior permission of ZJJF.
  • The use of digital cameras is not permitted.
  • Photographs whose copyright cannot be established will be charged with a licensing fee on publication.


Any mention of copyrighted material in your research must be acknowledged as follows:
[Description and date of item], [Collection name, if applicable], Zurich James Joyce Foundation.


b/w copies, A4 plain paper      CHF 0.20

 A4 watermarked paper
b/w                      CHF 2.00
colour                   CHF 4.00

photographs, drawings, cartoons
scanned images, 300dpi mailed as jpg-files:
personal use           CHF 10.—
commercial use      CHF 120.—


Postage fee
Minimum charge of CHF 3.00 plus postage due with every order.


By credit card or check, or in cash (if the request is made in person).



Augustinergasse 6
8001 Zürich


Vertretungsberechtigte Person(en)

Fritz Senn
Ursula Zeller
Ruth Frehner


Eingetragener Firmenname:

Unternehmens-Nr (UID):

CHE-107.341.170 MWST


Der Autor übernimmt keinerlei Gewähr hinsichtlich der inhaltlichen Richtigkeit, Genauigkeit, Aktualität, Zuverlässigkeit und Vollständigkeit der Informationen.

Haftungsansprüche gegen den Autor wegen Schäden materieller oder immaterieller Art, welche aus dem Zugriff oder der Nutzung bzw. Nichtnutzung der veröffentlichten Informationen, durch Missbrauch der Verbindung oder durch technische Störungen entstanden sind, werden ausgeschlossen.

Alle Angebote sind unverbindlich. Der Autor behält es sich ausdrücklich vor, Teile der Seiten oder das gesamte Angebot ohne besondere Ankündigung zu verändern, zu ergänzen, zu löschen oder die Veröffentlichung zeitweise oder endgültig einzustellen.

Haftungsausschluss für Links

Verweise und Links auf Webseiten Dritter liegen ausserhalb unseres Verantwortungsbereichs. Es wird jegliche Verantwortung für solche Webseiten abgelehnt. Der Zugriff und die Nutzung solcher Webseiten erfolgen auf eigene Gefahr des jeweiligen Nutzers.


Die Urheber- und alle anderen Rechte an Inhalten, Bildern, Fotos oder anderen Dateien auf dieser Website, gehören ausschliesslich der juristischen Person ZURICH JAMES JOYCE FOUNDATION oder den speziell genannten Rechteinhabern. Für die Reproduktion jeglicher Elemente ist die schriftliche Zustimmung des Urheberrechtsträgers im Voraus einzuholen.

Quelle: SwissAnwalt

Code of Conduct

The Zurich James Joyce Foundation is committed to maintaining a productive and collegial working environment free of discrimination on the basis of race, gender, religious belief, sexual orientation, or national origin.


Protection against Sexual Harassment

The Foundation wishes to ensure the protection of its members and associates against sexual harassment. The following guidelines are based on the fundamental assumption that staff, researchers, and students should treat each other with respect. This does not mean that interpersonal relations must be impersonal, distant and formal. On the contrary, friendly and relaxed personal interaction, including between women and men, is a normal part of everyday life at the Foundation. Nevertheless, sexual harassment will not be tolerated.


What is sexual harassment?

Any behavior which injures or demeans a person on account of that person’s gender, and which the targeted person finds uncomfortable.


What is permitted and what not?

Friendly compliments, shared coffee breaks and meals, humorous conversations and banter do not pose a problem. On the other hand, inappropriate behavior includes unwelcome physical contact, intrusive gestures, salacious remarks and offensive jokes about a person’s appearance or physical characteristics. Showing potentially offensive images or behaving in other ways that convey or create an oppressive work environment is also unacceptable. The same naturally applies to all unlawful sexual acts.


What can affected parties do?

Affected parties might, as a first step, try to rebuff the harassment. If this fails or is not possible, the Foundation has designated the following person, a former trustee of the Foundation, who may be contacted for initial confidential advice and support: Mirjam Beerli.